Our Ministries
The Ministries of Apostolic Bible Study Church work together to serve God, the church family, and the community.
Colossians 3:23-24: 23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24: 23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
Men's Ministry
The men of Apostolic Bible Study Church encourage complete participation in striving to know God and His will and how to walk therein. Special emphasis is placed on outreach programs to the community at large to include boys and young men of all walks of life. This endeavor is for the winning and saving of souls for Jesus Christ.
Women's Ministry
The mission of the Women’s Ministry of ABSC is to provide a spiritual pathway for the growth and development of a personal relationship with God through fellowship, prayer, fasting and study of God’s Word for all women within our realm of influence, thereby enabling freedom to embrace their inimitable purpose for winning souls for the kingdom of God.
Youth Ministry
The mission of the Youth Department of Apostolic Bible Study Church is to draw young people from this community to Christ, to bring them to the understanding of salvation according to the Word of God, to inspire them to be faithful to God, and to cause them to be fruitful in the Body of Christ while maintaining a consistent, holy lifestyle that makes them ready for the rapture.
Christian Education Department
The Mission of ABSC Christian Education Department shall be of benefit to the body of Christ in general and the ABSC ministry. Specifically by enhancing the spiritual growth of all age groups and learning abilities: through a systematic and comprehensive study of the Bible, to maintain and equip teachers and workers for effective Christian service and discipleship, to provide an essential component of the local church outreach and Evangelistic efforts to the local community. To enhance the ministry of the church, by providing a basis for establishing new members into the fellowship through spiritual and doctrinal based social and educational programs within the geographical realm of influence of Apostolic Bible Study Church.
Usher Board
The Ushering Ministry has been entrusted with the keeping of the holy temple (church). To be a watchful eye over the entire service in a way as to give assistance to the minister by greeting and seating the people, so that Word of God as it is preached and/or taught in its fullness. To promote an atmosphere of worship by seeing to it that the assembly is maintained in decency and order, and that a spirit of quietness and reverence prevail in and around the church building. It is the Usher’s aim to attract men, women, boys and girls to the realism of needing to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and showing love to everyone that enters into Apostolic Bible Study Church.
Outreach Department
To reach out into Baltimore Metropolitan area for lost souls. To pray for each soul that we come in contact with that they may be delivered and saved. To train and support each outreach member as leaders who carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the entire world. To be an apostolic church that evangelized to every race of people that they may come to the knowledge of the truth. Our mission is to be a progressive church for the serious minded believer.
Music Ministry
Music is a universal language that transcends cultural, ethnic, and socio economic lines. Therefore we at Apostolic Bible Study Church firmly embrace it as a gift from God. We believe and endeavor to allow this gift to be used by the giver of all good gifts in our assembly. All who will make themselves available to the Master Conductor’s direction, he will orchestrate our collective efforts and cause them to blend as a well-equipped, and beautifully rounded symphony. This masterpiece that the Lord puts together will cause heavy hearts to be lifted, teary eyes to be dried, and bowed down heads to be raised.
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” Ephesians 5:19
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” Ephesians 5:19
Media Department
The Media Ministry mission is to provide the highest quality audio and video services possible. We will transcend not only the sounds of the service but also the atmosphere of praise and worship as it is offered up to the Lord. The listener and/or viewer will feel the move of the Holy Ghost as the Word of God is preached from the Man of God.
Hospitality/Greeters Department
To ensure that each and every guest is greeted with personal warmth and an authentic welcome, greeters have a one-another ministry, face to face, hand to hand, and heart to heart with the people they are called to serve. Greeters will move toward a standard of excellence, which will lift their work to the level of ministry. This is met through being friendly, sensitive and having a genuine concern.
Nursing and First Aid Ministry
The purpose of the Nurses and First Aid Ministry is to serve the Apostolic Bible Study Church and its community by providing a comprehensive nursing care to the Pastors on the Pulpit, and the congregation during regular and special services which includes Vacation Bible Schools when needed. Provide Pulpit assistance to Host Pastor Bishop Arthur Coleman Sr. such as refreshments, towels and other necessities when ministering at visiting churches. Our nursing ministry is a community of faith reaching out to others to help meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.